brand selection:
Xirena, Samsoe Samsoe, Forte Forte, Masscob, Pas de Calais, Oseanna, Shaft Jeans, C.T. Plage by CT Plage
price point range:
Eclectic, cerebral, rich - in other words, French
Worth Going Out Of Your Way For:
If by “going out of your way” you mean “go to Paris specifically to go there,” then, yes.
Literally, upon arriving in Paris, the first thing I do after checking into my hotel, is navigate my way through the twisted streets of the Marais to Merci. I generally don’t even buy that much - the clothing isn’t really to my taste and the price point is a touch higher than I typically spend - but there’s always some small delight waiting for me there.
Women’s clothing, men’s clothing, jewelry, housewares, stationery, gardening implements, a treasure trove of gorgeous-smelling bath products - Merci is a true concept store. Not defined by category of good, but rather by a cohesive vision of contrast: refined, but down-to-earth; elegant, but not precious. Even at their price point, you’d never be afraid to wear anything from Merci on a daily basis - they’re not goods for special occasions, but instead purchases that make every day special.
did we buy anything?:
Recent purchases include:
Delightful wooden postcards - perfect for sending to clients
Christmassy-smelling Haeckels juniper incense
Luscious scarves in cotton and linen (they makes good dupes for my favorite Etoile Isabel Marant scarves)